The Flood story in Gilgamesh is very similar and very different to the Flood story of Hareskin, Alaska. In the Alaska Flood story, a god or goddess does not tell Kunyan about theFlood, he is very wise so he sensed it. In Uta-napishti’s story in Gilgamesh, the god Ea warns Uta-napishti about the Flood. Also, Kunyan warns people about the upcoming Flood whereas in the Uta-napishti’s story, he doesn’t warn anybody. Although Kunyan warns people about the Flood, no one listens to him so he goes on the boat alone whereas in Uta-napishti’s story, he brings his wife. In both stories, the characters bring a pair of each animal onto the boat that they build to be protected from the Flood. In addition, in both stories, all of the people and animals on the boats survive the Flood. However, in the Alaska Flood story, Kunyan sends a musk-rat to dive to the bottom of the waters to find land and Uta-napishti sends birds. The Flood in Uta-napishti’s story faded away by the seventh day but in Kunyan’s story, the bittern, a bird similar to a heron, swallowed the remaining water. In addition to these stories, many other cultural Flood stories contain some of the same events.
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